On 01/07/2017 15:22, Jon Turney wrote:
On 01/07/2017 15:14, Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 01/07/2017 15:54, Jon Turney wrote:
On 01/07/2017 06:18, Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 17/04/2017 13:34, Jon Turney wrote:

If you have shell access on sourceware, and make such changes, you can
force calm to run with '~cygwin-admin/bin/calm scan-(uploads|relarea)'.

calm now (finally) detects when changes have been made in the relarea via inotify, so this manual step is no longer required.

So, if you have shell access, and you make changes directly in the relarea, calm should now notice, reread it, and update the setup.ini package manifest automatically, without you needing to explicitly request that (or wait until the next scheduled rescan, if you can't request it due to the permission problem identified below...)

I have shell access but I do not find calm anywhere.
I assume "~cygwin-admin" is more restricted than shell access.

As I did change to the relarea for gcc test, how to force the
update of setup.ini's ?

I think I have fixed the permissions, so this should work for you now.

Thanks for pointing out this problem.

May be I misunderstood how I should use it

matzeri@sourceware ~
$  /home/cygwin/bin/calm scan-relarea
/home/cygwin/bin/calm: line 13: kill: (14958) - Operation not permitted

No, that's me being dumb.  I guess I need to think some more about how to make this work for other users...

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