On 29/04/2024 22:13, Brian Inglis via Cygwin-apps wrote:
I would like to co-maintain or adopt and revive the above package, which was adopted by Eric but not updated since Yaakov.


I added this to your packages.

I guess I need to ask eblake if he wants to orphan his packages, since he seems to be no longer active...

Below are links to existing source packages, build repos, scallywag runs, and updated package info.

I would like to further improve the sdesc and ldesc provided to reflect that completions are provided for thousands of commands and their options and arguments.

Bash Completions and development

Existing source package:


Updated cygport:


A few comments:

DEPEND="automake dejagnu make screen" # tcllib


I assume the comment about tcllib means something to someone. :)

src_test() {
    cd $B
# For some tests involving non-ASCII filenames
    export LANG=C.UTF-8
    export -f cygtest
# This stuff borrowed from dejagnu-1.4.4-17 (tests need a terminal)
    tmpfile=$(mktemp bash-completion.screen.XXXXXXXXXX.tmp)
#   cygtest

At first glance, because this is commented out, I thought "so this doesn't run tests at all"

Maybe remove the commented out line, and write a comment saying something like "run tests under screen, since they need a terminal"

    screen -D -m bash -c '( cygtest ; echo $? ) >'$tmpfile
    cat $tmpfile
>     result=$(tail -n 1 $tmpfile)

This cleverness to propagate the exit code is probably also worthy of comment, since I had to think about it for a few minutes before I realized what it was doing...

Perhaps should remove tmpfile here?

    return $result

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