On 21/05/2024 17:22, Brian Inglis via Cygwin-apps wrote:
Note that because this flag doesn't do anything for non-PE targets, it's (a) always safe to upstream, and (b) doesn't actually prevent development from unwittingly introducing unresolved symbols.

In that case, could we ask Bruno to add into gnulib somewhere appropriate?

This doesn't seem like a solution.

There's lots of stuff which uses libtool which doesn't use gnulib.

There might be stuff which uses gnulib, but which does platform-specific gymnastics (i.e. has unresolved symbols on ELF platforms, but not on PE, or really, genuinely only wants a static library on PE).

All of which is to say, there is no "one size fits all" solution, individual projects need to decide how to handle this point, otherwise we'd (hopefully) be using it...

(which is not to say that the default could probably have been chosen to be less hassle)

This should probably be mentioned in the FAQ item on PE linkage peculiarities.

In libtool info?

I meant in https://cygwin.com/faq.html#faq.programming.linker, which touches on the issue, but doesn't go into libtool specifics currently.

(But looking at this again, the question would need adding to, also)

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