On 8/19/2024 1:46 PM, ASSI via Cygwin-apps wrote:
Ken Brown via Cygwin-apps writes:
texinfo also depends on perl5_036.

I was almost saying it doesn't need to, but it seems to come with it's
own XS module that gets installed into a non-standard path (which is
why I didn't pick it up before).  It might still not really need it iff
there is a PP fallback in the code, but that can't be properly
recognized by setup until it can deal with recommendations (at all or
preferrably of various strength).

Yes, it really does need to depend on perl; it runs much slower otherwise.

It is particularly problematic
because cygport and automake both depend on texinfo (indirectly in the
case of automake).  But setup will balk at updating perl as long as
texinfo is installed, making it difficult to rebuild texinfo against
the new perl.

Well, I'd be totally unable to do anything when cygport stopped working,
so simply forcing the new Perl to get installed should suffice to
bootstrap texinfo.  I can do that for you if you want as I obviously
already have the new Perl installed

Yes, that would be a big help.  Thanks.


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