Hello, Adam!
        Hello, Cygwin hackers!

Adam Fedor wrote:

> No it's not. In fact you need to use gnustep-objc on Cygwin/MinGW 
> machines even if you have gcc 3.x, because the libobjc library in 3.x 
> doesn't properly export symbols for DLLs
>> Ok. I got "config" dir and GNUMakefile from gnustep-objc-1.0.1.tar.gz 
>> (above) into "libobjc" dir from GCC ditro.
>> Then added NXConstStr.m into GNUMakefile
>> and - viola! compiled objc.dll. It seems to work. Let's see what next 
>> :-)
> It probably won't work, even though it compiles. See above.

You are right - it doesn't work. But the gnustep's libobjc either!
In fact I had to add some lines into libobjc.def just to get 
gnustep-base copiled. This particular ones:


But for both libs (std GCC's and GNUstep's) I obtain error like this:

    m.AllocationBase 0x614C0000, m.BaseAddress 0x614E0000, m.RegionSize
    0xFD000, m.State 0x1000
    *** Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap (0x614E0000 <0x470000>)
    in child, Win32 error 6

search through cygwin malinglists didn't clarify the problem :-(
Any ideas?
            Thanx, Ildar.

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