Hi there. I think I'm finally done (for now) with making any necessary
cygwin related changes to curl 7.9, and I have it fully packaged up and
am ready to announce at cygwin.com.

I have submitted the tarballs to the cURL web site; you can find them

   Primary DownLoad page: http://curl.haxx.se/download.html

   Cygwin binary: http://curl.haxx.se/latest.cgi?curl=cygwin-ssl
   Cygwin source: http://curl.haxx.se/latest.cgi?curl=cygwin-src

Before I actually announce it (considering this is my first time), would
at least one of you kind souls consider downloading a copy of the
tarballs from the web site and take a quick peek to verify I've got all
my ducks in a row as far as packaging is concerned?

This has been quite a learning experience for me. I've appreciated your
assistance, and I hope I haven't annoyed you all too much with my


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