----- Original Message -----
From: "Jochen Küpper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 4:12 PM
Subject: compface package

> I'm submitting the compface package for cygwin inclusion. Hope that
> works out. I'll maintain it (in case that it really needs any
> attention for this package:)
> binary and source can be found at
>    http://www.unc.edu/~jochen/archive/compface-1.4-2.tar.gz
>    http://www.unc.edu/~jochen/archive/compface-1.4-2.src.tar.gz
> setup.hint is
> @ compface
> sdesc: Conversion utilitities for face graphics
> ldesc: "The program (two programmes really - but they're just links to
> other) converts 48x48x1 images to and from a compressed format.  The
> uncompressed images are expected to contain 48x48/4 (576) hex digits.
> All other characters and any `0's followed by `X' or `x' are ignored.
> Usually the files are 48 lines of "0x%04X,0x%04X,0x%04X,".  The
> compressed images contain some number of printable characters.  Non
> printable characters, including ` ' are ignored.  The purpose of the
> programme is to allow the inclusion of face images within mail headers
> using the field name `X-face: '.
> The programmes make use of a library which can be used to allow the
> compression and decompression algorithms to be used in other
> programmes such as mail dispatchers and mail notification daemons."
> test: 1.4-2
> category: Mail Libs Utils
> requires: cygwin

Thank you. I've no objection to this: does any other maintainer have an
objection to compface being a package?

onto the mechanics:

Your setup.hint looks good. Have you addressed any textmode/binmode

Also I get a 404 error trying to grab either file.


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