Christopher Faylor wrote:
> >> *  the category has a spin control, and on clicking this, sets all
> >> packages to the closest match possible for the spin control. I.e. if the
> >> category is set to prev, an a package has no prev, the package goes to
> >> "installed version" or "curr".
> >
> >This one, IMO.
I like the closest match option - I think at one time on the old setup we had 
it so on each package if it was not installed or an older version that what was 
in setup.ini was installed then if you clicked curr - setup would try to 
install the current but if you did not have the curr version but you did have 
the prev version - then setup would try to install the prev version. And if you 
selected test - it would go from test to curr to prev and if none of those were 
available then setup would keep the installed version.  I think this logic 
should be used in category selection and individual package selection.  

I was working on this on the pre-category branch (the one right after some of 
the major rewrites when setup.ini had started to change) when I realized how 
little I now knew about setup.  Never got it working completely.  One other 
thing I noticed when doing this though - when the package version being 
installed is displayed it helped if I appended a "(curr)" or "(prev)" or a 
"(test)" on the display to show the user which version from setup had been 

My $.02.


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