Hallo Robert,

Am 2001-11-17 um 06:31 schriebst du:

> Gerrit, this is the bit of the patch I'm not sure of: as you are linking
> against automode, isn't this redundant?

Oh shit, yes, this patch is wrong, it is not the patch I applied,
it is this one which I applied:

but I included the previous version in the source:(

> Also, at this point there's no need to have setup.hint embedded in the
> binary or source tarball. (I see no particular reason no to either, this
> is just a comment).

Ok. this can be removed then in the next release.
Should I release a fixed version immediatly?

> I've uploaded the files to sources.redhat.com. Welcome to the club.

Thanks. (Who build the last Perl release?)


Gerrit P. Haase                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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