> Secondly, IMO setup.exe should _ask_ where the source should go, not
> extract into /usr/src. The rpm way, at this point, becomes a hinderance.
> (How many CYGWIN directories do you want hanging around?).

I think I just changed my mind...
I now support #3 ... under the following condition

that the setup 'ask where to install' allows support for an option called
'in subdirectory by name' which takes the src package name and unpacks it in
a directory under the directory specified, named by taking the tarball and
going from start of name till first - or . (probably -).  So that I could
then put that as my default - and be happy.

That combination thus allows for #3 and #4 in one.

Although I do think that some sort of standard for the name of directory
where built things are put, relative to the install directory, would be
good.  Which #1 #4 but not #3 have ... as far as I can remember.


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