Can any say, what the size field in installed.db is _used_ for.

AFAICT it's completely useless. It records the size of the tarball used
to install the package. We don't use it anywhere...

I'd like to remove that as part of my trimming-unneeded-code blitz.

Any objections?

Here's the reasoning:
for uninstalled package versions we care about:
* package name
And for each version:
* package version
* package sdesc and ldesc
* categories
* requirements
* sourcecode data
and for each source (not source code) medium
* mirror site
* file location & name.
* file size
* cached filename in the download cache.

For installed package versions we care about
* package name
* package version
* requirements
* categories (for displaying when unselecting)
* sdesc and lsdesc
* sourcecode data? (maye you just miss the bus if you don't download
before the mirror sites move onto a new version?)

The actual file it was installed from is 100% irrelevant, as is the


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