Thanks for the detailed (and quick response). I don't think I would have
found the details quite so quickly myself...

I peeked in the cygwin FAQ, and didn't see any of this in there. It may
be a useful addition, if you can compress it down far enough.


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 1:23 PM

Versioning for DLLs is important.  Search the archives for more info; 
these threads should get you started -- but be prepared for a lot of 

The upshot of all this is that libraries should follow this naming

static lib:  /usr/lib/libfoo.a
import lib:  /usr/lib/libfoo.dll.a
dynamic lib: /usr/bin/cygfoo<VER>.dll or /usr/bin/cygfoo-<VER>.dll

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