> 1) The copyrights still need to be changed.
> 2) The code formatting still is not correct.
Now piped through indent with a few touch-ups.
> 3) You have a lot of calls to normalize_posix_path.  Is that really
>    necessary?  It seems to be called a lot.  If it is really necessary,
>    I'd prefer that it just be called in dtable::build_fhandler and made
>    the standard "unix_path_name".
> 4) Could you generate the diff using 'cvs diff -up"
Done. The new files are diff'ed against /dev/null and are appended to the
output of cvs diff.

NB: The ChangeLog has two additions because I found chdir had broken.


Attachment: proc.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ChangeLog
Description: Binary data

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