On Wed, 2002-11-06 at 00:14, Thomas Pfaff wrote:
> I have discovered some problems with the current MTinterface
> implementation. Here are 2 test cases:

> Even if the handles would be valid the pthread_join call would try to
> delete a thread object that is created static which would result in a
> corrupted heap.

Ouch. Good catch.

> 2: fork related

> The forked child will not get the same thread handle as its parent, it
> will get the thread handle from the main thread instead. The child will
> not terminate because the threadcount is still 2 after the fork (it is
> set to 1 in MTinterface::Init and then set back to 2 after the childs
> memory gets overwritten by the parent).

For memory that should not be copied, mark it with NO_COPY in the
declaration. MTinterface is set thusly IIRC.

> And i do not agree with the the current pthread_self code where the
> threadcount is incremented if a new thread handle has been created but
> never gets decremented (i do not expect that threads that are not created
> by pthread_created will terminate via pthread_exit). And the newly created
> object never gets freed.

The dllinit routine will take care of this when we get that implemented
again. I don't 

> To avoid these errors i have made changes that will create the mainthread
> object dynamic and store the reents and thread self pointer via fork safe
> keys.

Overall this looks good. What happens to non-cygwinapi created threads
now though? You mention you don't agree with the code, but I can't see
(from a brief look) how you correct it.

BTW: I'm currently packing to move house, so don't expect much feedback
until late next week, or early the week after :[.

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