On Sun, 2003-03-23 at 07:11, Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
> I just committed a big pactch to doc/setup-net.sgml that more or less
> documents setup.exe. Resulting HTML can temporarily be seen at:
> <http://iocc.com/~joshua/cygwin/setup-net.html>
> 2003-03-22  Joshua Daniel Franklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         * setup-net.sgml: Document setup.exe

A few comments ( hope I'm not duplicating feedback here):
* The cache should not be the same folder as the Cygwin root.

Can you make this "must not be". setup *will* choke :[.

* For most users, the Direct Connection method of downloading is the
best choice.

IMO the IE5 method is best. I've been considering making it the default.
The IE5 method will leverage your IE5 cache and or organisational proxy
server for performance. It will also honour browser auto-configuration

* setup.ini
setup actually downloads setup.bz2 these days, setup.ini is a suported 
legacy config file. I don't know if you want to mention that or not.

* along with some basic information about each package (version number,
dependencies, checksum, etc.)
You might want to skip this bit, and / or link to
i.e.: "From each selected mirror site, setup.exe downloads a small text
file called setup.bz2 that contains a list of packages available from
that mirror. For details on the format see the setup.exe <home page>".

* packages are divided into categories
you might want to say 'grouped into', or 'categorized by'. divided into
could suggest literal division of individual packages to a non english
reader - i.e. /bin files go into the foo package :].

* a very basic Cygwin
to me, 'minimal' reads more clearly than 'very basic'. Just a thought.

* If you are interested in what is being done, the scripts are kept in
the /etc/postinstall/ directory, renamed with a done extension after
being run.

I'd rather not have this in the users guide. It's one more place to
update when things change... A reference to the setup package creation
guide (http://cygwin.com/setup.html#postinstall) should suffice.

Fantastic job otherwise!

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