On 15/06/2016 16:37, Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 15/06/2016 14:49, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
Hi Marco,

in theory patches to setup should go to the cygwin-apps list, but
never mind, cygwin-patches is just as well.

On Jun 15 12:06, Marco Atzeri wrote:
I always found counter intuitive to have the view button filter on
the right.

Do you have a screenshot to show how this looks, by any chance?

Spam filter don't like pictures so, I put them here:

I was also thinking to replace the 3 button choice with
2 sets:

keep vs update
exp vs current

but the update logic on

 ChooserPage::changeTrust(trusts aTrust)

it is not really immediate.

I agree, but the idea makes sense.  If you ever have fun to hack on
this, please feel free.

I need to refresh my C++ knowledge to understand what
changeTrust is doing, so it could take a while.


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