- In setup_pseudoconsole(), many error handling was omitted. This
  patch adds missing error handling.
 winsup/cygwin/fhandler_tty.cc | 94 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_tty.cc b/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_tty.cc
index cfd4b1c44..f5c97de14 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_tty.cc
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_tty.cc
@@ -3413,7 +3413,10 @@ fhandler_pty_master::setup_pseudoconsole ()
      process in a pseudo console and get them from the helper.
      Slave process will attach to the pseudo console in the
      helper process using AttachConsole(). */
-  COORD size = {80, 25};
+  COORD size = {
+    (SHORT) get_ttyp ()->winsize.ws_col,
+    (SHORT) get_ttyp ()->winsize.ws_row
+  };
   CreatePipe (&from_master, &to_slave, &sec_none, 0);
   SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS);
   HRESULT res = CreatePseudoConsole (size, from_master, to_master,
@@ -3423,6 +3426,7 @@ fhandler_pty_master::setup_pseudoconsole ()
       if (res != S_OK)
        system_printf ("CreatePseudoConsole() failed. %08x\n",
                       GetLastError ());
       CloseHandle (from_master);
       CloseHandle (to_slave);
       from_master = from_master_cyg;
@@ -3446,14 +3450,29 @@ fhandler_pty_master::setup_pseudoconsole ()
   si_helper.StartupInfo.cb = sizeof (STARTUPINFOEXW);
   si_helper.lpAttributeList = (PPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST)
     HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap (), 0, bytesRequired);
-  InitializeProcThreadAttributeList (si_helper.lpAttributeList,
-                                    2, 0, &bytesRequired);
-  UpdateProcThreadAttribute (si_helper.lpAttributeList,
-                            0,
-                            PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PSEUDOCONSOLE,
-                            get_ttyp ()->h_pseudo_console,
-                            sizeof (get_ttyp ()->h_pseudo_console),
-                            NULL, NULL);
+  if (si_helper.lpAttributeList == NULL)
+    {
+      HPCON_INTERNAL *hp = (HPCON_INTERNAL *) get_ttyp ()->h_pseudo_console;
+      HANDLE tmp = hp->hConHostProcess;
+      ClosePseudoConsole (get_pseudo_console ());
+      CloseHandle (tmp);
+      goto err1;
+    }
+  if (!InitializeProcThreadAttributeList (si_helper.lpAttributeList,
+                                         2, 0, &bytesRequired))
+    {
+      HeapFree (GetProcessHeap (), 0, si_helper.lpAttributeList);
+      goto err2;
+    }
+  if (!UpdateProcThreadAttribute (si_helper.lpAttributeList,
+                                 0,
+                                 PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PSEUDOCONSOLE,
+                                 get_ttyp ()->h_pseudo_console,
+                                 sizeof (get_ttyp ()->h_pseudo_console),
+                                 NULL, NULL))
+    goto err3;
   HANDLE hello = CreateEvent (&sec_none, true, false, NULL);
   HANDLE goodbye = CreateEvent (&sec_none, true, false, NULL);
   /* Create a pipe for receiving pseudo console handles */
@@ -3461,12 +3480,21 @@ fhandler_pty_master::setup_pseudoconsole ()
   CreatePipe (&hr, &hw, &sec_none, 0);
   /* Inherit only handles which are needed by helper. */
   HANDLE handles_to_inherit[] = {hello, goodbye, hw};
-  UpdateProcThreadAttribute (si_helper.lpAttributeList,
-                            0,
-                            PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST,
-                            handles_to_inherit,
-                            sizeof (handles_to_inherit),
-                            NULL, NULL);
+  if (!UpdateProcThreadAttribute (si_helper.lpAttributeList,
+                                 0,
+                                 PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST,
+                                 handles_to_inherit,
+                                 sizeof (handles_to_inherit),
+                                 NULL, NULL))
+    {
+      CloseHandle (hello);
+      CloseHandle (goodbye);
+      CloseHandle (hr);
+      CloseHandle (hw);
+      goto err3;
+    }
   /* Create helper process */
   path_conv helper ("/bin/cygwin-console-helper.exe");
@@ -3478,9 +3506,10 @@ fhandler_pty_master::setup_pseudoconsole ()
   si_helper.StartupInfo.hStdOutput = NULL;
   si_helper.StartupInfo.hStdError = NULL;
-  CreateProcessW (NULL, cmd, &sec_none, &sec_none,
-                 NULL, NULL, &si_helper.StartupInfo, &pi_helper);
+  if (!CreateProcessW (NULL, cmd, &sec_none, &sec_none,
+                      NULL, NULL, &si_helper.StartupInfo, &pi_helper))
+    goto err4;
   WaitForSingleObject (hello, INFINITE);
   CloseHandle (hello);
   CloseHandle (pi_helper.hThread);
@@ -3491,12 +3520,23 @@ fhandler_pty_master::setup_pseudoconsole ()
   buf[rLen] = '\0';
   HANDLE hpConIn, hpConOut;
   sscanf (buf, "StdHandles=%p,%p", &hpConIn, &hpConOut);
-  DuplicateHandle (pi_helper.hProcess, hpConIn,
-                  GetCurrentProcess (), &hpConIn, 0,
-                  TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS);
-  DuplicateHandle (pi_helper.hProcess, hpConOut,
-                  GetCurrentProcess (), &hpConOut, 0,
-                  TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS);
+  if (!DuplicateHandle (pi_helper.hProcess, hpConIn,
+                       GetCurrentProcess (), &hpConIn, 0,
+                       TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS))
+    {
+      SetEvent (goodbye);
+      WaitForSingleObject (pi_helper.hProcess, INFINITE);
+      CloseHandle (pi_helper.hProcess);
+      goto err5;
+    }
+  if (!DuplicateHandle (pi_helper.hProcess, hpConOut,
+                       GetCurrentProcess (), &hpConOut, 0,
+                       TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS))
+    {
+      CloseHandle (hpConIn);
+      goto err6;
+    }
   CloseHandle (hr);
   CloseHandle (hw);
   /* Clean up */
@@ -3510,6 +3550,7 @@ fhandler_pty_master::setup_pseudoconsole ()
   CloseHandle (to_master);
   from_master = hpConIn;
   to_master = hpConOut;
+  ResizePseudoConsole (get_ttyp ()->h_pseudo_console, size);
   return true;
@@ -3629,14 +3670,15 @@ fhandler_pty_master::setup ()
   get_ttyp ()->fwd_done = CreateEvent (&sec_none, true, false, NULL);
+  t.winsize.ws_col = 80;
+  t.winsize.ws_row = 25;
   setup_pseudoconsole ();
   t.set_from_master (from_master);
   t.set_from_master_cyg (from_master_cyg);
   t.set_to_master (to_master);
   t.set_to_master_cyg (to_master_cyg);
-  t.winsize.ws_col = 80;
-  t.winsize.ws_row = 25;
   t.master_pid = myself->pid;
   dev ().parse (DEV_PTYM_MAJOR, unit);

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