On Tue, 3 Mar 2020 21:03:38 +0100
Hans-Bernhard Bröker wrote:
> OTOH the MS documentation calls this DWORD* an "optional output" 
> argument.  If I'm reading that right, it means it should be fine to just 
> pass NULL to indicate that we don't need it:
> inline void sendOut (HANDLE &handle)
> {
>    WriteConsoleA (handle, buf, ixput, 0, 0);
> }
> The same would apply to all the other calls of WriteConsoleA, it seems.

Yeah, it could be. However, please note that it should be
saparate patch if you remove wn from WriteConsoleA() other
than wpbuf related.

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>

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