On 10/11/2021 2:13 AM, Mark Geisert wrote:
It's just that after submitting the patch I realized that, if we really are going to support both Cygwin archs (x86_64 and i686), there is still the issue of different cygcb_t layouts between Cygwin versions being ignored.

Specifically, the fhandler_clipboard::fstat routine can't tell which Cygwin environment has set the clipboard contents.  My original patch takes care of 32-bit and 64-bit, providing both are running Cygwin >= 3.3.0 (presumably). What if it was a different version (pre 3.3.0) that set the contents?

I wonder if this is worth the trouble. Right now we have a problem in which data written to /dev/clipboard in one arch can't be read in the other arch. The fix will appear in Cygwin 3.3.0. Do we really have to try to make the fix apply retroactively in case the user updates one arch but not the other?


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