On 12/23/2021 7:29 PM, Jeremy Drake via Cygwin-patches wrote:
On Thu, 23 Dec 2021, Ken Brown wrote:

-      for (ULONG j = 0; j < phi->NumberOfHandles; j++)
+      for (ULONG j = 0; j < min(phi->NumberOfHandles, n_handle); j++)

Reading the preceding code, I don't see how n_handle could be less than
phi->NumberOfHandles.  Can you explain?

Not really.  I saw this stack trace:
#3  0x0000000180062f13 in exception::handle (e=0x14cc4f0, frame=<optimized out>, 
in=<optimized out>, dispatch=<optimized out>) at 
#4  0x00007ff8abd320cf in ntdll!.chkstk () from /c/Windows/SYSTEM32/ntdll.dll
#5  0x00007ff8abce1454 in ntdll!RtlRaiseException () from 
#6  0x00007ff8abd30bfe in ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher () from 
#7  0x0000000180092687 in fhandler_pipe::get_query_hdl_per_process 
(this=this@entry=0x1803700f8, name=name@entry=0x14cc820 
ntfn=ntfn@entry=0x8000c2ce0) at 
#8  0x0000000180092bdb in fhandler_pipe::temporary_query_hdl 
(this=this@entry=0x1803700f8) at 

Line 1281 of fhandler_pipe.cc was
          if (phi->Handles[j].GrantedAccess != access)

The only way I could see that causing an exception was if it was reading
past the end of the allocated memory, if j was greater than (or equal to)
n_handle.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to catch it in a debugger
again, so I can't confirm this.  I took a core with 'dumper' but gdb
doesn't want to load it (it says Core file format not supported, maybe
something with msys2's gdb?).

I agree that it's hard to see how the line you quoted could cause an exception. But you were using an optimized build, so I'm not sure how reliable the line-number information is.

Is it feasible to run your test under strace? If so, you could add some debug_printf statements to examine the values of n_handle and phi->NumberOfHandles. Or what about simply adding an assertion that phi->NumberOfHandles <= n_handle?


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