- This patch removes the old code which calls transfer_input() but
  is no longer needed. These code was necessary indeed in the past,
  however, as a result of recent frequent code changes, it is no
  longer needed.
 winsup/cygwin/fhandler_tty.cc | 47 -----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_tty.cc b/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_tty.cc
index 76c5e2413..a0a5a70ba 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_tty.cc
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_tty.cc
@@ -1216,56 +1216,9 @@ fhandler_pty_slave::reset_switch_to_nat_pipe (void)
       && process_alive (get_ttyp ()->nat_pipe_owner_pid))
       /* There is a process which owns nat pipe. */
-      if (!to_be_read_from_nat_pipe ()
-         && get_ttyp ()->pty_input_state_eq (tty::to_nat))
-       {
-         if (get_ttyp ()->pcon_activated)
-           {
-             HANDLE pcon_owner = OpenProcess (PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE,
-                                          get_ttyp ()->nat_pipe_owner_pid);
-             if (pcon_owner)
-               {
-                 HANDLE h_pcon_in;
-                 DuplicateHandle (pcon_owner, get_ttyp ()->h_pcon_in,
-                                  GetCurrentProcess (), &h_pcon_in,
-                                  0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS);
-                 DWORD target_pid = get_ttyp ()->nat_pipe_owner_pid;
-                 DWORD resume_pid = attach_console_temporarily (target_pid);
-                 WaitForSingleObject (input_mutex, mutex_timeout);
-                 transfer_input (tty::to_cyg, h_pcon_in, get_ttyp (),
-                                 input_available_event);
-                 ReleaseMutex (input_mutex);
-                 resume_from_temporarily_attach (resume_pid);
-                 CloseHandle (h_pcon_in);
-                 CloseHandle (pcon_owner);
-               }
-           }
-         else if (!get_ttyp ()->nat_fg (get_ttyp ()->getpgid ())
-                  && get_ttyp ()->switch_to_nat_pipe)
-           {
-             WaitForSingleObject (input_mutex, mutex_timeout);
-             acquire_attach_mutex (mutex_timeout);
-             transfer_input (tty::to_cyg, get_handle_nat (), get_ttyp (),
-                             input_available_event);
-             release_attach_mutex ();
-             ReleaseMutex (input_mutex);
-           }
-       }
       ReleaseMutex (pipe_sw_mutex);
-  /* This input transfer is needed if non-cygwin app is terminated
-     by Ctrl-C or killed. */
-  WaitForSingleObject (input_mutex, mutex_timeout);
-  if (get_ttyp ()->switch_to_nat_pipe && !get_ttyp ()->pcon_activated
-      && get_ttyp ()->pty_input_state_eq (tty::to_nat))
-    {
-      acquire_attach_mutex (mutex_timeout);
-      transfer_input (tty::to_cyg, get_handle_nat (), get_ttyp (),
-                     input_available_event);
-      release_attach_mutex ();
-    }
-  ReleaseMutex (input_mutex);
   /* Clean up nat pipe state */
   get_ttyp ()->pty_input_state = tty::to_cyg;
   get_ttyp ()->nat_pipe_owner_pid = 0;

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