Wait.  I might have misunderstood something.  This is about accessing a
host NTFS from inside a Hyper-V isolated process, right?  So from the
point of view of the Hyper-V isolated Cygwin process, the NTFS
filesystem is a *local* filesystem?  Or is it mapped as a remote

The difference is important, because my patch would only change the
outcome if the Cygwin process in the Hyper-V container gets the
NTFS filesystem presented as a remote filesystem.

I noticed this problem when I was looking into implementing the
FILE_SUPPORTS_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID flag checking.  I have a different
solution from the one I pushed today in the loop which probably
makesmuch more sense and is independent of the subtil difference
between loca and remote FS.

I don't understand the whole picture, so I may be missing the point.
So I will report only the points I am sure of.

The file system on the host side is the local disk.
In the container, it appears to be exposed as a ntfs local
file system because unlink_nt() tries to use posix unlink semantics.

Yoshinao Muramatsu <y...@ac.auone-net.jp>

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