On 19/07/2023 16:33, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jul 19 13:41, Jon Turney wrote:
[1/2] has the side effect of flipping test stat06 from working to failing.
[2/2] fixes that

When run with TDIRECTORY set, libltp just uses that directory and assumes
something else will clean it up.

When TDIRECTORY is not set, libltp creates a subdirectory under /tmp, and when
the test is completed, removes the expected files and verifies that the
directory is empty.

stat06 fails that check, because it creates the a file named "file" there, and
tries stat("file", -1), testing that it returns the expected value EFAULT.

"file" is removed, but lingers in the STATUS_DELETE_PENDING state until the
Windows handle which stat_worker() leaks when an exception occurs is closed
(when the processes exits).

Great find. Please push.

So, it seems this doesn't work in an optimized build, as fh is always NULL when we get around to deleting it after a fault.

I'm thinking that I've written this wrong somehow (horses), rather than it being some complex problem with how the optimizer interacts with all the memory and register barriers the exception handling uses (zebras)

Future work: It looks like similar problems might generically occur in similar
code througout syscalls.cc.

Uh oh...

I mean, I have no evidence that there are any problems.

If I had infinite time, maybe I'd review the source code to see if there are any other instances where we fail to properly dispose of objects created in a __try block...

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