> From: Harold Hunt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 12:17 PM

> > What is the purpose of this message (winCursorOffScreen () -
> > hmm...)?  It seems pretty useless.
> The message is mostly useless.  The message was put there as sort of a
> "heads up" in case someone every reported seeing the 
> message... then we
> would know that we need to implement the function.  However, 
> something on
> your system is apparently causing bogus mouse movement 
> messages to be sent
> to Cygwin/XFree86.  I think the better solution would be to 
> fix whatever
> program is sending the bogus mouse messages (probably goScreen).

What would this function do if it were implemented?
It doesn't seem like it would need to do anything, anyway.

> have to fix it yourself.  (Of course, the easy solution is to 
> download the
> source as in the Cygwin/XFree86 Contributor's Guide, goto to file
> xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/wincursor.c
> http://cvsweb.xfree86.org/cvsweb/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/w
> incursor.c,
> #if 0 the ErrorF message that is bothering you, then compile 
> according to
> the instructions in the Contributor's Guide... we're talking 
> *maybe* 30
> minutes of your time)

Thanks for the info on what to change.  I think I'll play around and
try to determine what is causing the message, be it goScreen or whatever,
first.  I'd rather make this change than never have any log output by
redirecting the log to /dev/null.  Of course, things always take longer
than expected - I'm sure I'm missing some other cygwin stuff to be able
to do a quick 30 minute change (like gcc, for one).

Wait, I could just do a binary edit and change that string to null, like
Alexander suggested I do to the "/tmp/XWin.log" string to change it to
"/dev/null\0...".  Outputting a null string shouldn't fill up the log.
I'll give that a try after I figure out if goScreen or what is the culprit.

> Harold


Cary Jamison
(801) 705-8685 voice
(801) 705-4685 fax

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