/ payam payami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Hi,
|    How can i send a question to mailing list?
| I'm subscribe in your site with enclosed e-mail  

Well this mail came there so you managed to do it :-) Lets get started!

Gentlemen, this fellow of ours is having a problem, he have downloaded
xfree, installed it, I think all by the manual.. (I assisted him a
little and can fill out with some of my thoughts)

When he runs startxwin.bat/sh the X-window pops up, but then
closes. Reading the /tmp/Xlog.txt (or what the file is called) the
last thing printed there was that it couldn't find font fixed, when
doublechecking he seemed to have the font 6x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz in

(dug up the fontfilename from my fonts.alias and fonts.dir)

(Payam, send the logfile to the list)

He has two network cards, could it be something there messing up??


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

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