From: Brian Genisio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Please help: XDMCP connection dog-slow
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 13:10:02 -0800 (PST)

> Are you connected through dialup, or some sort of WAN?  X doesnt work too well
> across long distances... even if there is a lot of bandwidth... it's a latency
> thing.

Nothing of the sort. 100MBit LAN. At home, a much slower notebook with much less RAM
performs perfectly ok on 10MBit. Right now, I'm logged in from home over a DSL line
and the performance is still acceptable.

> --- "Palic, Darko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Do you use a novell logon?

Yes, all our windows computers do.

> > If so I?m not sure if it is the problem, but could you try to resolve the
> > names of both computers?


> > Try to logon onto your linux and try to resolve the other computer name, and
> > also the other way (logon on client try to resolve the linux box)

The other way I can't try right now, but the windows clients only use the IP address
anyway. Can it still be an issue? 

Anyway, thanks to both of you


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