I know I'm not the only one with this prob...here is what i did to get it up.  I'm not
sure how much of this is overkill though...
 (for some reason, just reinstalling xfree didn't fix it)
1. delete cygwin and all shortcuts
2. run regedit, delete all "cygwin" entries
3. reinstall cygwin
4. install xfree: FOR THE TERMCAP AND LINK PROMPS, JUST SAY NO, i.e default enter at
5. goto /usr/X11R6/bin
6. sh startxwin.sh

This got it working, I haven't checked other ways of launching yet...


Nikolaus Bates-Haus wrote:

> I finally got a chance to check out the config on my home machine.
> I don't have /etc/hosts, either; what I did do was modify startxwin.bat
> (and startxwin.sh) to set DISPLAY to :0.0 - try that.
> -nik
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 07:18:29PM -0500, Ed Conrad wrote:
> >
> > Nikolaus Bates-Haus wrote:
> >
> > > I ran into something like this setting up my home machine, to which I
> > > don't have access right now.
> > > It ended up being an issue with host / DISPLAY configuration; check out
> > > your /etc/hosts and make sure the entries make sense. I remember I had
> > > to do something with localhost and/or my chosen hostname, and,
> > > to get it to work.
> >
> > I dont have that directory.
> > The only host files I found are in a perl scripts folders about 5 levels under the
> > root.  I did not see any display stuff like you talk about in any of them.  Is
> > there no one who knows why I cant get my window up?
> >
> > >
> > > I think that what's happening is that XWin.exe starts, but all clients
> > > fail to connect, so it just shuts down immediately.
> > > I ended up setting my DISPLAY to something other than the default, as well
> > > (try setting your DISPLAY to be just ":0" rather than "")
> > >
> >
> > I tried that in bash, nota.
> >
> > > -nik
> > >
> > > On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 08:01:58AM -0500, Ed Conrad wrote:
> > > > Why don't you please re-read the original message.   I explained what happens
> > > > when I run the bat files.
> > > >
> > > > The path in the bat files are correct or it would not open the xwindow in the
> > > > first place!  You cant even open startx with the wrong path. I get the startx
> > > > window, the window after that and then the xwin pops up for a second or so
> > > > before it crashes.
> > > >
> > > > Something is going wrong when the xwindow is first opend.  The fact that I
> > > > can't run XWin.exe is just a clue I included because the user guide says I
> > > > should be able to run it.
> > > > Andrew Markebo wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > / Ed Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > | cygwin is installd.  This is a bug or somekind or config problem i have.
> > > > >
> > > > > *bonk* you are trying to run Xwin.exe, what happens if you run
> > > > >  startxwin.bat or startxwin.sh??
> > > > >
> > > > > Basically the problem is that the environment variable PATH doesn't
> > > > > contain c:\cygwin\bin, or where you installed cygwin. If I recall
> > > > > right the startxwin-scripts sets this, but if you want to run without
> > > > > them, you have to set the path yourself.
> > > > >
> > > > > [...]
> > > > >
> > > > > | > | If I try to run XWin.exe, it says that it cant find
> > > > > | > | cygwin1.dll.
> > > > >
> > > > >         /Andy
> > > > > --
> > > > >  The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!
> > > >
> >

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