
I recently installed KDE 3.0 on my linux box and have the same problem, that is 
certain icons don't get displayed
on Cygwin/XFree86 4.2.0 (version confirmed by running xdpyinfo).

I poked around a little more and found that icons that are in PNG format are the ones 
don't get displayed. I checked my Cygwin installation for libpng.dll and it does exist
(I manually copied cygpng2.dll to libpng.dll). I'm not sure if this library is 
required though.

Hoping somebody can help me on this.



That doesn't sound good.

I haven't yet installed KDE 3.0 and I won't have time to for at least a week, 
so I won't have a chance to look into this for some time.

I know you say that Cygwin/XFree86 is up-to-date, but are you running 
Cygwin/XFree86 4.2.0?  You can check by running 'xdpyinfo' in a local 
Cygwin/XFree86 session or in a terminal when you are logged into another 
machine via XDMCP.

Awaiting a chance to investiage this,


Scott Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Hi,
> My server has just been upgraded to kde 3.0 running redhat 7.2.  I use =
> cygwin with xfree86 to connect to this server using
> x -query <servername>
> I have been doing this for a while with kde 2.2.2 with no problems.  =
> However when i connect to it now with kde 3 my screen has no icons or =
> icons on the kicker bar at the bottom. =20
> Does anyone know of this problem and a solution for it.
> My machine runs w2k with up 2 date cygwin and xfree86.
> Cheers
> Scott Alexander

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