> > dgl error (protocol): remote machine not DGL capable - meda:10.0
> > dgl error (default init): default dglopen(meda:10.0,4) returned -13
> > 
> Cygwin/XFree86 doesn't have the DGL extension. If you do an 'xdpyinfo'
> on your SGI box, you'll probably see it.

Eh, I thought, DGL is SGI name for OpenGL. Sorry.

> I suspect you won't be able to get this app working on anything but
> SGI boxes.

O.k., I'll trz VNC if it can handle it on the copy of local display. Not
Xfree related anymore.

> > WARNING: Not all colors for application icons could be allocated.  Some 
> > interface elements may have different colors.
> > Warning: creating new shape image
> > 
> > Jot coredumps, many others too.
> > Toolchest starts fine, but no apps called invoked from its menus.
> > 
> > When I run this apps on the local graphics console of an SGI box, it works
> > fine.
> > 
> > Well, this problem is not connection type related (both ssh and
> > telnet+xhost produce same results). Probably should I install something on
> > the SGI boxes to translate DGL requests into the X11 protocol (rendered on
> > the server side, but at least working) ?
> > 
> How many colours is your Windows screen set up in ? 
> Try changing the depth to 24bit (i.e. 16million colours)

Using TrueColor(32bit) on the desktop and starting Xfree with 

start XWin -screen 0 1024 768

so I don't expect problems here. Probably something in color
translation. Most important I see the "creating new shape image" warning
which I get not on the native SGI display.


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