Matthew Bradford wrote:
> First, thank you very much for your time and attention.  Now onto the
> results of your last email:
> I've tried that before, but I tried it again just to be sure... and still no
> go.
> did you get my previous email talking about the connection refused issue?  I
> think this is related.  The only way I can get any remote X app to run is
> when I tunnel it through SSH.  Setting the export variable doesn't work.
> (even when i run xhost + and/or pass the -ac option to the X server)  It is
> acting as if access control is on still.
> Any ideas on how to fix that?  I'll put ya money on it that is the issue.  I
> just have no idea how to fix it.

Also, check if you have any .Xauthority files. Try moving the existing 
ones are regenerating them. If you are running an X server, "xauth 
generate <host>" connects to the server and generates new cookies. You 
can copy the resulting .Xauthority file to Red Hat 7.2 machine.

One thing to try is turn on debugging in the XDMCP server. I don't know 
how this is done with kdm. xdm has a -debug flag.

  - Ian


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