Robert Collins wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Charles Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>>Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 8:33 AM
>>if you select the source for more than one of [bob|bobx|boby], then it 
>>is downloaded only once (good) but is unpacked three times.  This isn't
>>a terrible thing, but it is a waste of effort....
> This won't change anytime soon. Long term we'll have the concept of a
> source package - as opposed to a src attribute of an existing package.
> This will require setup.ini changes to represent properly, so I want all
> the kinks out first...

Like I said, NOT a showstopper.  you ONLY see this behavior if you click 
the src checkbox for multiple packages that all share the same source. 
It's only downloaded once.  When setup is done, you have the source. 
Behind the scenes, that source package gets installed multiple times. 
Big deal.

IMO, if upset gets the ability to do the right thing with an 
'external-src:' directive in setup.hint, then everything necessary for 
multiple-bin/single-src packages would be in place.



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