
I just tried 'XWin -nolisten local'.  This prevented /tmp/.X11-unix from
being created, but I didn't test the method thoroughly to make sure that
everything (remote clients, etc.) still works.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeremy Wilkins
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 1:24 PM
> Subject: XDMCP client using Cygwin/Xfree86
> Hi,
> I've put together a very simple frontend to launch XWin with when used to
> connect to XDMCP. The front end will handle passing font paths (and will
> convert from windows to cygwin style paths) and the path to the colours
> database. This means that XWin can be moved out of the directory structure
> it would normally expect, so can be used as a normal windows app, just one
> dependant on cygwin1.dll and cygz.dll.
> I've got a couple of know issues with it though,
> 1) XWin insists on the existance of a /tmp/.X11-unix folder, are there any
> commandline options, or compile options I can use to change this (so I can
> put it in %TEMP%/.X11-unix).
> 2) The keyboard is always set to US. I've not managed to use the command
> line option to change the keyboard layout, could someone please
> explain this
> (where are the xmodmap files I should be using). Once I can do this, I can
> make the frontend detect the windows keyboard layout and set Xwin
> accordingly. At the moment XKeyboard extension is disabled
> because xkbcomp,
> etc isn't available.
> Finally could someone please clarify where I stand on licenses,
> what license
> is Cygwin under, what is cygwin/xfree86 under, can I put my frontend under
> GPL without conflicting with the other components.
> Any comments would be appreciated
> Jeb

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