I hav done a little experimenting and contrary to what I earlier believed
starting a xdmcp session against an aix server works with a standard aix

But there are differences in the configuration that makes it work sometime
and sometime not.

This works ALWAYS but is not recommended due to the security implications :

XWin -ac +kb -xkbmap dk -query <host> -from <ip address>


XWin +kb -xkbmap dk -query <host> -from <ip address>

only works on some servers - the rest requeries acces to your local Xserver
- so you can MAKE it work by either start another xsession and do a xhost +
<host> or otherwise allow the the foreign XServer to acces the local one.

The culprit seems to be some security or NLV setting on the AIX that
requires the acces to the xfree86 server - I have not found what that is
yet, but if anybody has an idea I can try to verify it....

Med venlig hilsen / Regards
Franz Wolfhagen

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