> Which mirror where you using for Cygwin's setup.exe?  (It 
> will select the last mirror used if you run it again... or 
> look in your local package directory and you'll see a 
> directory name for each mirror you have used).  I suspect 
> that one or more mirrors out there is having a problem with 
> getting all of the packages.
> Or, it could be a problem related to the fact that I am usind 
> the 'test:' flag in the setup.hint without any corresponding 
> 'curr:' flag.  What version of setup.exe are you running?  

Grabbed a new setup.exe yesterday, version
Mirror: http://archive.progeny.com

I tried again this morning and guess what?  Right at the bottom where
none existed before is now the xserv package.

thanks for your help


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