On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 11:10:16AM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 10:50:28AM -0400, Harold L Hunt wrote:
>>[Please be careful to only reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED], I am only sending
>>this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that the Cygwin folks know what is going on.]
>>Non-xterm clients work fine.  xterm does not work.
>>The base problem here is that xterm calls getuid () to find out what the
>>current process's user id is.  Then it later calls setuid (), passing the same
>>value that was returned by getuid ().  For some reason, regardless of whether
>>you have run 'mkpasswd -d -u user_name >> /etc/passwd', the call to setuid ()
>>fails with Permission Denied.
>>This is not something that the Cygwin/XFree86 folks changed, rather it was
>>something that was changed in Cygwin proper (think cygwin1.dll).  From our
>>perspective, and probably from the perspective of the Cygwin developers,
>>cygwin1.dll is broken when Cygwin/XFree86 doesn't work right.
>>Thus, I'm going to guess that the Cygwin folks are working on this and that
>>you need to start testing the latest cygwin1.dll snapshots to help them, and
>>us, figure out when the problem is fixed.  I've got a machine now that has the
>>same problem so I will be testing snapshots as well, once a compile job finishes.
>>Here is some information on installing a snapshot release of cygwin1.dll:
>Thanks for *trying* a snapshot, Harold, and reporting on your experiences.
>I guess we'll keep plugging at this.  My time is very limited but I'll
>try to debug this X problem as soon as I have a chance.
>Until then if someone could 1) Try the very latest snapshot (the
>2002-06-26 snapshot changed several times yesterday) and 2) post an
>strace from a failing xterm.  It would help enormously.

FWIW, I can't duplicate this failure either with 1.3.11 or with the current
snapshot.  However, there were changes in the current snapshot which may
fix the problem.

I hope someone will be brave enough to try one.


Snapshot installation instructions:

To install a snapshot:

  1) Download the latest cygwin-20020???.dll.bz2 file from
     http://cygwin.com/snapshots/ .

  2) bunzip2 cygwin-20020???.dll.bz2

  3) Stop any running cygwin applications (sshd, inetd, bash, apache, etc.).

  4) copy c:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll c:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll.saf

  5) copy cygwin-2002????.dll c:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll

Obviously, you have to replace the 'c:\cygwin\bin' with the ms-dos path
name of your /bin directory.  You also *must* use Windows tools (e.g.,
"copy" or GUI "drag and drop") to copy the DLL to its new home since you
can't easily overwrite a busy DLL.

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