>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Keen Wayne A Contr AFRL/MNGG  
> Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 2:16 PM
> Subject:      xfree success!
> (1) I downloaded the newest (at least a couple of hours ago) snapshot of
> cygwin1.dll, yes, I renamed it and copied it over
> to /bin
> (2) I used some ideas on the xfree list, for shorthand, I am going to use
> my_domain, my_name for my domain name and
> user name, substitute your own:
> mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd
> mkpasswd -d my_domain | grep "my_name" >> /etc/passwd
> Now, a couple of important notes here:
> In the original hints, they just used -d, and I was to damn stupid to
> realize I had to give a domain name after that. Then I had to remember
> what it was.
> I am on a large network.  This took a very LONG time.  I gave up and went
> to a meeting, it was finished when I got back.
> (3) In another classic Wayne is a moron moment, I immediately tried
> /usr/X11R6/bin/startx.  It did not work, because I was in the
> same window I did the mkpasswd in.  I closed that, opened a new one, and
> it worked!
> (4) Note for the startx to work, you have to have one of those .xinitrc
> files in your home directory.  You can copy the one from
> /etc/X11/xinit to your home and start from there.  You also (in theory)
> need to have a file called .Xauthority, which has the kicker that it
> will work if you just have an empty file by that name.  Now, this file
> gave me some errors early on, I tried moving it a minute ago,
> and things worked without it.
> I am still working some issues with bash, but it works pretty well.
> Thanks to all those who were patient with me, while I thrashed around.
> As I said earlier, I am not sure what fixed my problem, some of the stuff
> above may be unneccessary.  I do know it is working.
> Wayne Keen

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