The geometry flag is perfect. It will allow me to put each window exactly
where I want it consistently. Thanks very much Thomas, for your friendly,
detailed assistance.

D. J. Foreman
website: http://WWW.CS.Binghamton.EDU/~foreman

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Chadwick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: need help scripting multiple xfree startups

>From: "Thomas Chadwick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: need help scripting multiple xfree startups
>Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 09:25:09 -0400


>As for getting the xterm to place itself on your screen without having to
>click:  If you're using the default Window Manager twm, copy the file
>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/twm/system.twmrc to ~/.twmrc.  Then edit ~/.twmrc and
>"RandomPlacement" on a line by itself towards the top of the file just
>the comments.  If you're using some other window manager, then consult its
>man page.

Alternatively, you can specify the exact size and position of each xterm
using the -geometry flag:

ssh -X -l remote_username remote_hostname \
xterm -geometry 80x25+10+10 \
-title "remote_username@remote_hostname" \
-e remote_command

The "80x25" part specifies the size of the window in characters. 80x25 is
typical.  The "+10+10" part specifies the position of the upper-left corner
of the window with respect to the upper-left corner of the screen in pixels.
  In this case it's 10 pixels in from the left edge, and 10 pixels down from
the top edge.

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