
what I do from cygwin-terminal is:

XWin -fullscreen -depth 8 &
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
ssh -X solarisuser@solarisbox
solarisbox% /usr/dt/bin/Xsession

While Xsession(dtwm) starts Xserver switches 5(?) times. I don't know
the reason for that (and I'm not allowed to change anything there).

But this works fine from linux in the same way.
With win98 XWin works fine that way too. The "switchings" are short
(approx. 3sec. max.)and dtwm starts fast enough.
Only with XP I have to wait that long (only -depth 8).

> Shooting from the hip here it sounds like you have a bunch of clients in your
> XWin startup script that, one-by-one, attempt to connect to the server, find
> that they don't support the only available visual, then disconnect from the
> server (which causes the server to reset since that was the only connected
> client).  After this the next client in your batch or script file is launched
> and does the same thing.  Each client connection and server restart takes,
> say, 30 seconds.

But with other depth it works _much_ faster.
So I have to wait 3 minutes (first XWin start and 5 restarts)...

> Am I totally wrong here?  Are you not trying to start any X clients?
> Something is telling the server to restart... we just have to figure out what
> that something is.


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