On Fri, 27 Sep 2002 1:39 am, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> Redirecting to the correct mailing list.
> On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 11:26:20PM +0800, Stephen Liu wrote:
> >Hi All People
> >
> >Can I issue following command to regulate the screen size at starting
> >cygwin.
> >
> ># Xwin -query 192.168.0.XXX -screen aa" x bb"
> >
> >aa" = width of screen in inches
> >bb" = height of screen in inches
> >
> >so that Linux would not cover Window screen completely.  If NO, kindly
> >advise how to make it.
> >
> >Thanks in advance.

Use pixels, not inches.  If you windows desktop is 1024x768, you could try for 

$ XWin -query 192.168.0.XXX -screen 0 800 640

NOTE: Do NOT use 'inches', and do not use 'x' between width and height.

See 'man XWin' for more info, or the users guide -


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