I don't think the /tmp/.X11-unix is related.

Hmm.... remind me; are you getting a black screen & the hourglass, or just
the stipple ?

                    "George Thomas P"                                                  
                    <pgeorge@aalayance.       To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        
                    com>                      cc:                                      
                    Sent by:                  Subject:     Re: Remote sessions with HP 
UX CDE ?                                   
                    10/02/2002 09:24 PM                                                
                    Please respond to                                                  

Hi everyone,

Sorry for not responding it was a holiday yesterday, and I dont have net at

First thanks to all of you for your replies. But I'm still out of luck :-(
.I'll tried using some of the stuff in Ben's batch file

 XWin -screen 0 1024x768x16 -once -query <local.hp.ux.ip>

(thanks for sending it :-)). It still didn't work but, there was a change
that my X session opened a window, I saw that squat looking hour glass for
about 2 secsonds
before it blanked out.

Here's my XWin.log file. I looked through it and found something odd :-

"_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root "

Anyone out there able to help me out with intrepreting this ?

regards George :-)

P.S. (I tried resolution changing too 8bpp, 16bpp)

(See attached file: XWin.log)

Attachment: XWin.log
Description: Binary data

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