
From: "Gerald S. Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 13:28:04 -0500
::I agree -rootless rocks. And a -systray option would be great.

It's rocking realy cool! :-)

::But one thing that I'd really like to be able to do now that
::-rootless is around is be able to have all X windows become
::inactive when a Windows window is selected. When I switch to
::X-Windows, all of the Windows-style windows become inactive.
::I'd like the reverse to happen as well. Otherwise, when I
::switch out of X-Windows, the most-recently-selected window
::in X is shown as active even though it isn't. It's actually
::worse than that, since a cursor is shown in both windows.

If you just want the cursor to disappear from the xterm in X,
you may be able to use the unclutter program, found in X related
contrib sites as 'unclutter-8.tar.Z'.

Unfortunately, the xterm will be kept in 'activated' mode,
even when cursor disappears from the screen.
(Well accutually, unclutter was only made to hide the cursor...)

Just my $0.02 of info...

           _ _    Munehiro (haro) Matsuda
 -|- /_\  |_|_|   Kubota Graphics Technology Inc.
 /|\ |_|  |_|_|   2-8-8 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0022, Japan
                  Tel: +81-3-3225-0931  Fax: +81-3-3225-0930
                  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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