
[ There's really no need to cross-post this. Even though you mention looking for XFree86/Cygwin, the questions are all about how Cygwin is packaged and made available. ]

At 03:56 2002-11-05, you wrote:
I've been looking for application and utility disttributions for Cygwin, as
well as for XFree under Cygwin.  It seems as though there's not a good way
to find packages (or catagories of packages) for Cygwin unless you already
know the name of a package you want.  Sometimes, even that's spotty.
Perhaps you're unaware of the package list and search page at the Cygwin site: <>? You can enter the name of a file or a regular expression pattern and you will be told which packages, if any, contain that file. That's usually enough to locate the package you're interested in.

I was wondering if there's any work towards a continually updated repository
or mirroring of packages for Cygwin other than the packages installed by the
Cygwin Setup Utility. or if there were any plans to add more packages to the
Setup utility itself?   There seems like there's a lot of stuff missing
(configuration utilities, how-to documents, sendmail, pop3 server, no
/etc/services file, lack of sample configuration files, etc).
Of course, new packages are being added to Cygwin on an ongoing, though irregular basis.

I think you need to look harder. Much of what you say you're looking for is indeed available.

If you have the right combination of available disk space, network connectivity bandwidth and patience, you could just download and install everything and then explore.

I'm not really complaining, I mean I realize that Cygwin is reletively new,
but I was just wondering  what some of the short and long term plans are,
what is going to be implemented, 3rd party efforts towards compiling and
distributing packages, etc.
New to you, perhaps. In the time scales of the world of information technology, I'd say something that's been around for over 5 years to be some place beyond youth--middle age, perhaps? Certainly Cygwin is not "new" and is certainly mature.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA


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