On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 11:31:26PM +0100, Alexander Gottwald wrote:
>And it got cancelled again. The patch is no longer attached and will be 
>sent by pm after explicit request.

Let's all say it together "Subscribers to a mailing list are not
subjected to spam blocking".  Your email was blocked because you are
apparently sending email from an account that is not subscribed to
cygwin-xfree.  You can also subscribe to a global allow list which
allow you to post to sources.redhat.com mailing lists without receiving
mailing list traffic.

In your case, apparently you were misled by a faulty message telling you
how to unblock yourself.  I apologize for the miscommunication caused by
the software that I wrote.  It was my fault and I have corrected the

However, AFAICT, the bounce message that you received accurately gave
you the email address to which you could send questions about your being
blocked.  You didn't avail yourself of that address.  Instead, you are
now "very upset" because a computer determined that your email is spam.

Had, you sent email explaining your problem to the correct mailing list
(in this case cygwin-owner at cygwin dot com) I would have fixed the
problem hours ago instead of when I got around to reading the
cygwin-xfree mailing list where *surprise* I get to see YA spam
complaint.  It's a safe bet that I can't go a day without someone either
complaining about spam or complaining about the spam blocker.

Anyway, I've added the email address of your last blocked message to the
sources.redhat.com global allow list.  I've also redirected your last
blocked email back to this mailing list.

Have a nice day.


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