I ran XWin under Boundschecker with the following parameters:  :0 -engine
1 -rootless -lesspointer

Note that I didn't recompile or modify XWin from its current distribution
version to do this.

After starting it, I ran another instance of Boundschecker and under this
one, I started WMAKER.

Once both of these were under way, I opened three XTerms, and then closed
them again.

Then I closed both apps by right-clicking the XWin taskbar icon and
selecting close.

The really strange thing is that Wmaker generated NO WARNINGS OR LEAKS AT
That really is odd... I've no idea why this would happen, because as a rule,
Boundschecker usually gives at least a few false reports of errors and

In the case of XWin, the results are different.
Many errors and leaks were reported, but a lot of these are in fact false
alarms often times caused by Boundschecker being unmapped from memory before
it can "see" an application (or one of its dependant DLLs) releasing an
allocation the module made previously.

So I've included the output, but I must warn -
Since I didn't have the freshly-compiled applications, the stack information
is rudimentary.
Also, events reported as taking place in CYGWIN1.DLL might best be ignored,
as they probably represent cases of false alarms as mentioned above.

I will at some point recompile XWin and give it another go, but it might
take a little time.

PS - Here's hoping the attachment will make it through.

PPS - Personally, I think the leaks reported resulting from calls to
CreatePopupMenu and CreateRectRgn may in fact be genuine.


Attachment: XWin trace.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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