
I found it quite annoying that xwinclip-test6 was grabbing
the ownership of the selection every-time it looses it while
IMHO it should just grab it when there is a new selection in
the MS-Windows clipboard.  Grabbing means the original
application is loosing it and with xterm and xemacs it means
that the selection is really lost, dehighlighted and not
available anymore.

So I did some googling how to detect clipboard changes on
MS-Windows and added the code for this to wndproc.c and
modified xevents.c to just grab the selection if a
MS-Windows clipboard change is detected which is not caused
by xwinclip itself (this part is really a hack).  

The code might be helpful for those working on improved xwinclip
versions, but I do not have any intention on more hacking.
I actually have no idea about MS-Windows API and X11 so
there are probably new bugs ...


Bye Robert

PS: I have not subscribed to this list so you should address
    questions with a CC to me.

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