
Let me rephrase your question and ask you if it makes sense:

``If I am talking on the phone to my mother and she unplugs her phone, can I just continue talking to her?''

The answer is no. You have established a connection with a server that is supposed to manage your X session... if that server fails, or if the connection to it is unreliable, then you X Session is terminated. Unfortunately, the way the system is designed is that applications you launch from your X session are managed by the remote XDMCP machine... if that machine goes down there is no way to transfer control of those applications to another machine.

You basically have a system problem here:
1) Take steps to stop the machine from crashing or being rebooted (this may involve convincing your sysadmin to change his ways, via a baseball bat if necessary)

2) Remedy the network connection problems between you and the server. There should not be such problems, and the X protocol generally deals quite well with long-distance connections. For example, I XDMCP into my home machine which sits on a cable modem that has 256 kbits/sec upstream... my connection paths to this machine go through many thousands of miles of Internet links before arriving at my laptop machine, yet the connection is responsive and reliable. If you are on a local network and you have problems, then you have some inherent flaw in your network that must be resolved.

3) If you can't do anything about the machine or the network, then you need to adjust your quality-of-service expectations.

With that being said, you may be able to alter your working habits, such as opening remote applications via ssh with X forwarding... this will tend to be a little less resource intensive that opening a full XDMCP session on the remote machine (

I hope that clarifies the way X works and I hope it gives you a few other ideas to try.


Oliver, Peter wrote:

I'm using XDMCP for my session, from where I run X applications on
various different servers. If the machine I logged onto with XDMCP is
rebooted, or suffers network difficulties, the X server resets and I
loose my whole session. I would prefer the X server and it's remaining
clients to continue running, so that I can just start a window manager
on a different box and carry on working. Is there some way to prevent
this reset from happening? I gave the -noreset option a try but it made
no difference.

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