"Hansom Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, guys!

I've build nearly all the GNOME 1.4 core packages on Cygwin,
following  the hints and patches gaven out by Steven O'Brien (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/steven.obrien2).
Although I haven't time to maintain them, I think they might be useful.

But the problem is that I can't find a place to hold these packags. They need about 50M.

Could anybody give me a hint?

Hi! Can these packages support NLS(or i18n, eg zh_CN locale)? I means i had built gtk1 once,
but it can't display Chinese characters though I set the right gtkrc(even cp right one from
Linux box), it seems that X fontset not work.
Later i find that maybe because of the cygwin1.dll limited setlocale and mbstowcs series support,
when i debug some X apps with multibyte characters(need fontset), i find if i use cygwin1.dll's setlocale,
the multibyte characters can't display, but if i define X_LOCALE force X's setlocale to use _Xsetlocale, it is OK.
Because the X lib has full setlocale (how about mbstowcs series?) implementation, i think.
So, which setlocale your packages use? I hope GNOME can be parts of cygwin distribute.

BTW: And how about GNOME2? I know GTK+2 can run under cygwin good.
Does anyone try to port GNOME2 to cygwin?
And to cygwin-developers list, when will cygwin1.dll have full setlocale and mbstowcs series support?


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