
You more than likely just got a bad version of the Cygwin or one of the Cygwin packages... we have been working on fixing a few bugs over the last few weeks. Please run Cygwin's setup.exe again and let it grab any packages that have been updated. Then report to us if you still have the same problems on Windows 95.


Last week (14 of Nov. 2002) i downloaded CYGWIN, installed it on
WIN98, all works fine. All WIN-Computers are connected in a LAN with
my LINUX-Server. With CYGWIN on WIN98 i can do all, that i need:
rlogin, rsh, ftp, telnet. And of course use CYGWIN as X-Server for
programs, that run under linux.

Now i wanted to install CYGWIN on a WIN95-computer, there i have problems:
o as with WIN98 i used, the X-Server starts, i can see it,
it runs, i can move for instance the mouse. But then i can see the
messages vom twm, xsetroot and xterm: ..
unable to open display ''. I could see, that the X-Server
did something, changed colour to black, went off, came
o To test what happens i startet first XWin.exe, waited until it was
running, then i made: xhost +. Again the message: .. unable to
open display ''. The X-Server changed to black, diappeared,
came again with the colour, before i made "xhost". o Then i made the next attempt: i startet XWin.exe, and tried on my
LINUX-computer: DISPLAY= ; export DISPLAY ; xterm.
I got the answer from the WIN-95-X-Server, that this is not allowed.
This was what i expected, because xhost did not run correctly und
o I made the next attempt: on WIN-95, under CYGWIN BASH, i made:
telnet, i got the Login-Prompt from LINUX to enter the
name, but when i typed the first letter of my Login-Name, this letter
was endless repeated. I made the same attempt on another WIN-95-
Computer, exakt the same, with telnet the first letter i entered was
repeated endless. Then i testen on WIN-98, there telnet did all right.
This shows: under WIN95 there is something other than in WIN98. Perhaps
there is the problem, as the programs speak with the X-Server over
net-moduls, as ist telnet does. rlogin and ftp worked correctly under
WIN95, in opposite to telnet.

All my computers have fixed IP-Adresses (WIN-95:, LINUX:

Perhaps you can help me. If not, i know, that CYGWIN only works fine with
NEWER WIN-Operating-Systems. Perhaps i have an problem with errors in WIN-95.
I made the test also on an newly
installed WIN-95-computer, with ONLY WIN-95 installed, nothing other. Also on this computer i got the error-message " unable to open display ..",
and also telnet repeats the firs letter of my Login-Name endless.

Georg Fischer

! Georg Fischer, Amselweg 7, D-89281 Herrenstetten Germany !
! Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Holztechnik !
! Email: ==> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <== (best way to reach me) !
! Internet: !
! Telefon: +49-8337-8646 !
! Telefax: +49-8337-9118 !

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