Zitat von Harold L Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


> Alexander,
> It sounds like your problems are probably due to a sector of your network
> using only internal IP addresses (10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x) that are not
> being passed through a Network Address Translation system when they are 
> routed to the sector of your network with valid external IP addresses.

No, I doubt that this is the case.  I've just installed cygwin on another
PC running Windows NT (instead of XP on my PC) and this PC is connected to
the same switch as I am.  The NT PC is also in the same network segment.

>From this PC, I can do "XWin -query host" fine.  On my PC, I've got to do
"XWin -query host -from me" (insert IPs there).

> In other words, your IP address is being lost by the router for some
> reason, while the packet is not being dropped for some other reason.  Thus 
> your HP-UX machine sees a packet that came from instead of, say, 

Hmm, but why does the router interfere on such a low level?  I highly doubt 
that a router is involved in my troubles - see above (BTW: I didn't write 
this in my first mail, because I just now found this out).

> 1) Are you using the same network adapter on both network segments.  That
> is, you aren't using a wireless adpater on one segment and a wired adapter
> on another segment, are you?

What's the answer? Yes or no? ;)  Well, I'm using the same NIC.  In fact, my
PC is a laptop and thus I've got close to no problems taking the PC to the
other network segment.

> 2) Are you using DHCP or not using DHCP on both networks?  That is, does
> one segment use DHCP but the other does not?

I'm using DHCP on both net segments.

> 3) Can you do a ``traceroute'' to the HP-UX workstations from the network
> segment that does not work with XDMCP?  It would be nice to get some sort
> of confirmation that you can at least get packets back from the HP-UX 
> workstations.

Yes, I can.  Back and forth - ie. I can traceroute to the HP-UX workstation
from my Windows PC, and I can tracerotue to the Windows PC from my HP-UX

>From HP-UX to Windows:

traceroute to, 30 hops max, 20 byte packets
 1 rons (                          1 ms   1 ms   1 ms
 2 D8RJRJ0J (                     3 ms   1 ms   1 ms 

>From Windows to HP-UX:

[c:\programme\jedit 4.1pre6]tracert tc34

Routenverfolgung zu tc34 []  über maximal 30 Abschnitte:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2     1 ms     1 ms     1 ms  tc34 []

Ablaufverfolgung beendet.

That's from the "offending" network segment.  When I'm in the segment where
"XWin.exe -query host" also works on my Windows XP PC, I'm farther away 
(as far as network hops are concerned).

> With those answers, we may be better able to help you.

Although I'm now able to connect - a colleague of mine who's sitting right
behind me (and is connected to the same hub) is still having problems.  And
also I would like to be able to connect without -from.

Thanks a lot,

Alexander Skwar
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