
Did you ever look into the bug I reported where a dragged window just keeps on repeating the dragging and never stops moving? Seems to be a problem with the message queue not being cleared properly.

My email is in the list archives if you missed it.


Kensuke Matsuzaki wrote:
 I wholeheartedly second that; either a test build, or perhaps some
instructions on how to take the patch(es) you supplied and build a
modified version using the existing Cygwin tools.
 To build XWin.exe, please read

 The patch can be applied as shown in the following command
$bunzip2 rootless.patch.bz2
$patch -p1 < rootless.patch

 I edited xc/config/cf/cygwin.rules to disable version controlled .dll,
but is it right?

Is this just a matter
of building a modified version of the XWin.exe binary and replacing my
current "XWin -rootless" line with "XWin2 -multiwindow" in the startx

Kensuke Matsuzaki

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